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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


For Growing Children
Both Ω=3, Ω=6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential but the body requires them in a ratio that is not normally achieved by the typical diet of today's industrialized nations. They must be consumed regularly as the body has limited storage for them.
There is no doubt that the omega-3 fatty acids are essential to heath
They are fundamental molecules in the structure and activity of the membranes of all cells throughout the body. They also have highly specialized functions in neurological tissues, especially the brain and retina. Because of their role in cell membranes, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the formation of new tissue and are therefore important for development and growth. The Ω=3 fatty acids continue to play a major health role at every stage of life through the prevention and management of certain diseases and chronic conditions.

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Ω= 3,Ω=6必需脂肪酸(必需脂肪酸)是必不可少的,但身体的需要,他们在比通常不会取得今天的工业化国家的典型饮食。他们必须定期身体消耗他们有限的存储。


他们是在整个身体的所有细胞的细胞膜的结构和活动的基本分子。他们也有在高度专业化的神经组织,尤其是大脑和视网膜的功能。因为他们在细胞膜的作用,ω-3脂肪酸是形成新的组织所必需的,因此,发展和增长的重要。 Ω= 3脂肪酸,继续发挥在人生的每个阶段,某些疾病和慢性疾病的预防和管理的一个重要的保健作用。

What is NeuroGain® Vegicaps®*?
Neurogain® is a natural, customized, standardized, refined purified, high quality formulation of conditionally Essential Fatty Acids for growing children. Now available in vegetable capsules made in Germany, Neurogain® is concentrated in DHA, low in EPA with AA and OA to help growing children meet important nutritional requirements in essential fatty acids. Neurogain® is scientifically formulated in line with international recommendations for essential fatty acids supplementation early in life.

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neurogain®是一个自然的,个性化,标准化,精制纯化,有条件的必需脂肪酸,对成长中的儿童高品质制定。现在在德国制造的蔬菜胶囊,Neurogain®集中的DHA,AA和OA与帮助成长中的儿童满足重要的必需脂肪酸的营养要求的EPA。 neurogain®是科学制定符合必需脂肪酸补充剂在生命早期的国际建议。

Why a vegetable capsule?
Unlike capsules from beef or pork materials, vegetable capsules (Vegicaps® Soft)* have a multicultural appeal while showing proven chemical and physical stability with low odor, taste and aftertaste.
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Is it safe to use NeuroGain®?
Yes, NeuroGain® is a natural DHA supplement of EFAs. The EPA level is low in line with WHO and ISSFAL recommendations for DHA supplementation at an early stage of life. NeuroGain® is not a drug.

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是的,NeuroGain®是一种天然的必需脂肪酸DHA的补充。 EPA的水平是在与世界卫生组织和补充DHA ISSFAL建议,在生命的早期阶段的低线。 NeuroGain®是没有一种药物。

How about the cleanliness of the finished product?
NeuroGain® is manufactured under the highest international standards for quality and safety for EFAs. In order to minimize the risk of contamination, NeuroGain® is controlled and molecularly distilled to systematically remove PCB's and DDT's. Heavy metals are removed by going through an absorption column. At the end varied tests will check the low level of peroxidation and the removal of pollutants.
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What are the best storage conditions for NeuroGain®?
Store at room temperature in a cool and dry place. Newly manufactured batches of NeuroGain® have near zero peroxidation. Utmost care is taken to minimize future oxidation by using air tight vegetable capsules (Vegicaps®*), in dark glass bottles. The vegetable capsules provide excellent protection for oxygen sensitive essential fatty acids.  
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在室温下存放在阴凉干燥的地方。 NeuroGain®新生产批次有接近零的过氧化。采取极为谨慎,以尽量减少未来的氧化,使用不透气的蔬菜胶囊(Vegicaps®*),在深色的玻璃瓶。蔬菜胶囊,提供良好的保护,对氧敏感的必需脂肪酸。


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