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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

-           Anda dikehendaki menulis lima ayat sahaja
-           Bentuk ayat : Subject + verb + object
-           Contoh : Aziz is cleaning the window. (Markah 1m – 7m)
-           Subject + verb
-           Contoh : Aziz is cleaning. (Markah 1m – 6m)
-           Subject  + adjectives.
-           Contoh : Aziz is handsome. (Markah 1m – 4m)
-           Subject + verb + adjective + object + adverb. (Markah 1m -10m)
-           Contoh ayat : Aziz is cleaning the dirty window carefully.
-           Untuk menjawab bahagian ini kamu perlu mengetahui verb (kata perbuatan) kerana anda akan membina  ayat
berdasarkan perbuatan yang terdapat dalam gambar.

Kesimpulannya untuk membina ayat dalam bahagian ini anda perlu guna elemen-elemen berikut :
a)        Subject : names of people (Aziz, Si Tompok, Uncle John) dan nouns (The boy, The cat, My father)
b)        Verb : is playing, are sweeping, is reading, are listening, is watching, are jogging, is relaxing)
c)        Object : places ( in the kitchen, near the sofa, on the table) , things ( a book, with a ball, in the wok)
d)        Adjectives (Kata Sifat) : active, beautiful, handsome,  cute, fat, thin, tall,     - untuk subject
                                      dirty, clean, wet, colourful, dusty, smooth, slippery - untuk object
e)        Adverb : untuk menerangkan cara perbuatan dilakukan. Contoh : happily, carefully, politely, sweetly, gracefully.

-           Ayat anda mestilah berada dalam  masa Present Continous Tense iaitu : SUBJECT + is/are/am + ing. Contoh : The boy is wiping the blackboard.
-           Jangan mulakan ayat anda dalam masa Past Tense : Contoh :    Samad bought a book yesterday
-                                                                            Future Tense : Contoh : Samad will buy the book tomorrow.
-           Jangan nyatakan bilangan orang dalam gambar : Contoh : There are five people in the picture. (AYAT LEMAH)
-           Tuliskan ayat yang menerangkan apa yang anda lihat di gambar sahaja.
-           Anda diberi masa 15 minit sahaja untuk menjawab bahagian ini.

-           Anda dikehendaki  menjawab  2 (a) :  iaitu isi 10 tempat kosong
-                                                             2(b) : pilih tajuk dan beri sebab
-           Perkara – perkara yang perlu diberi perhatian semasa mernjawab bahagian 2(a) :
a)        Isi jawapan berdasarkan petikan
b)        Check ejaan termasuklah huruf besar dan huruf kecil
c)        Jangan tertinggal atau tertambah huruf.
d)        Pastikan anda tulis jawapan di kotak yang betul.
e)        Tulis maklumat yang dikehendaki sahaja.
f)         Tulis maklumat dengan lengkap.
g)        Tolong periksa sama ada anda sudah tulis kesemua 10 jawapan.
h)        Pastikan tanda ‘RM’ ditulis dengan betul.
Bahagian 2 (b)
-           Baca arahan dulu kerana pilihan untuk siapa dinyatakan di sini
-           Biasanya pilihan dinyatakan untuk diri sendiri, friends atau family.
-           Contoh : a) I would choose/buy Bag B because it is my favourite bag.
-                          b) I would choose  RorineWallet because my father  loves this brand
-                          c) I would choose  key chain because I know what my friend likes.
-           Biasanya anda akan membuat pilihan berdasarkan item-item berikut :
a)        Price / Cost : The price is reasonable and I have enough pocket money
b)        Free item : If I buy this bag, I will get free…..
c)        Place / Venue : The place is not far from my house. It is within walking distance.
d)        Available :i) I can go there at anytimde.
                 ii) It is stone throw  from my house.
e)        Made in : It is made in a popular country
f)         Made of : It is made of high quality product.
g)        Dessert : The dessert is mouth watering.
h)        Shape : It has an attractive shape. 
i)          Design : The design is remarkable and captivating
j)          Duration / Time : The date and time are just perfect for me as I am free.
k)        Accomodation : The place is very comfortable and cool.
l)          Activity : The activity is challenging and mind blowing.
m)       Thing you need : I am sure I already have all the equipments needed.
n)        Discount  / Offer: If I buy this bag,  I can buy at low price.
o)        Benefits : I am sure if I made this choice, I will learn many good things.
-           Anda diberi masa 25 minit sahaja untuk menjawab bahagian ini.


-           Menulis karangan berdasarkan  3 atau 4 gambar
-           Baca arahan dulu untuk mengenalpasti siapa yang terlibat atau tema cerita tersebut
-           Beri perhatian dan telti kesemua gambar bagi mendapat maklumat-maklumat berikut :
a)        Subject – names and pronouns
b)        Tema cerita : Kejadian, Peristiwa, Proses atau Fakta
c)        Time Frame (Rangka Masa) : Present Tense atau Past Tense
-           Kemudian lihat pada keywords (perkataan-perkataan di bawah gambar)  untuk mendapat maklumat-maklumat berikut :
a)        Subject
b)        Verbs
c)        Nouns
d)        Adjectives
-           Verbs memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan ayat. Jika kebanyakan verbs dalam bentuk past tense, contohnya : went, jumped, played, was, did dan sebagainya  maka keseluruhan cerita dalam masa past tense diikuti dengan rangka masa past tense, contohnya last week, yesterday, during the school holidays, Jika masa diberi , calon tak perlu tambah yang lain.
-           Calon perlu mengenalpasti subject yang terlibat kerana ia akan mempunyai hubungkait dengan pronouns yang hendak diguna, contohnya : Ali – He, Siti – She, The cat – It, Ali and his friend – They, My family and I – We.
-           Calon juga perlu memahami nouns, adjectives atau adverb yang ada dalam keywords kerana sekiranya calon tidak faham maka calon tidak akan dapat membina ayat dengan sempurna.

-           Cara menulis karangan :
a)        Pengenalan : 1 hingga 2 ayat cukup.
b)        Isi cerita
c)        Penutup
-           PENGENALAN :  Ayat dalam present tense, contoh : Siti and Aminah are good friends and neighbours. They always play games and
                                                                                      revise their lessons together.
-           ISI CERITA : Ayat dalam  past tense bermula dengan masa past tense, contoh : One Saturday evening, Siti went to Aminah’s house to play congkak as it is their hobby. While playing they heard a bell ringing outside the house……….
-           PENUTUP :  From this story, it is learnt that Siti is a kind hearted girl.
a)        Calon memahami dan menulis karangan bertepatan dengan gambar
b)        Calon mengguna struktur ayat dengan betul…. Grammatically correct
c)        Calon mengguna vocabulary yang sesuai.
d)        Tiada kesilapan tatabahasa.
e)        Calon banyak menambah idea sendiri sesuai dengan gambar.
f)         Calon  berupaya menambah perumpamaan atau simpulan bahasa yang sesuai.
g)        Ada nilai moral yang sesuai.
1)          I and my uncle visited the orchard last week. X
My uncle and I visited the orchard  last week. /
2)         Abu was went to school just now. X
Abu went to school just now. /
3)        He waited for see you. X
He waited to see you. /
4)         The boys was playing at the field. X
The boys were playing at the field. /
5)        Jamal did not bought the book yesterday. X
Jamal did not buy the book yesterday. /
6)        She could not went to the market yesterday. X
She could not go to the market yesterday. /
7)         Than, it became a caterpillar. X
Then, it became a caterpillar. /
8)        There were many peoples at the night market.. X
There were many people at the night market. /
9)        Jamal and her wife went to restaurant. X
Jamal and his wife went to the restaurant. /
10)       There was a few child in the canteen. X
There were a few children in the canteen. /
11)         Mary went saw her cousin. X
Mary went to see her cousin. /
12)        The coffee are hot.X
The coffee is hot. /


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