Pages 3

Friday, June 28, 2013

儿子 倒数 全班第三名




但是我没有不开心,反而 开心

因为儿子在 11班中的 第4 班,拿到 倒数第三名,那么他仍然还有 7班在后面,这不是开心的事吗?



"没 脸 见嗲娘"

知道自己的 成绩会觉得不安,
这。。。。还有的补救 ,




拚命的转移 盖







最后 鸡精 终于在我肚子了

Reviewing the short Story ‘Flipping Fantastic”

Reviewing the short Story ‘Flipping Fantastic”
Flipping Fantastic is a story presented in the form of diary or journal entries. It conveys the thoughts of twin brothers, Tristan and James and their mother. The twin boys have always been together and for the first time they have to go to two different schools. Tristan who is a disabled, wheel-chair bound boy will be going to Chesterlea Grange, a residential school for special children. His brother James will be going to Highfields, a normal secondary school. Since James and Tristan have always been together, both James and their mother are worried about Tristan’s well being in the new school. Tristan on the other hand was experiencing mixed feelings about leaving the familiar Peter Hill Primary and starting at Chesterlea Grange. In the end, both Tristan and James decide that they would make it on their own if they set their mind to it.
Sample Essay type Question:
Tristan and James are as different as day and night although they are twins. Describe the differences in their characters as depicted in the story Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford

Sample Answer:
Tristan has a positive disposition with high self-esteem. He has high linguistic skills. He is also very friendly and makes friends easily. He has shown that he is mature by agreeing that Chelsea Grange is the right school for him. James on the other hand has low self esteem, timid and lacks confidence. He wants Tristan to reconsider his decision about going to Chelsea Grange.

Flipping Fantastic ( English Form 1 ) Short story

Flipping Fantastic is a story presented in a form of diary entries. It conveys the thoughts of twin brothers, Tristan and James and their mother. The story starts with the last day of primary school at Peter Hill where the twin brothers both acted parts in a school play. Tristan gets to play the leading character as Tom Sawyer, whereas James only got a tiny role, and still he did not do well. The twin boys have always been together and for the first time they have to go to two different schools. Tristan who is a disabled and wheel-chair bound will be going to Chesterlea Grange, a residential school for special children. His brother James will be going to Highfields, a normal secondary school. Since James and Tristan have always been together, both James and their mother are worried about Tristan’s well being in the new school. Tristan on the other hand was experiencing mixed feelings about leaving the familiar Peter Hill Primary and starting at Chesterlea Grange. In the end, both Tristan and James decide that they would make it on their own if they set their mind to it.
Exploring a Short Story
It is useful to look for these elements when attempting to read a short story:
  • Point of View
  • Characters
  • Plot
  • Setting
  • Theme
  • Moral value

Point of View
The story is set out in the form of diary entries by twin brothers, James and Tristan and their mother. The story starts with the last day of primary school at Peter Hill where the  twin brothers took parts in a school play. The diary pages reflected the thoughts of both the twin brothers, Tristan and James on the new schools they will be attending shortly. The diary pages of the mother reflect her thoughts on the behavioral aspects of her twin sons.
Major Characters
The main characters are Tristan and James. They are twins. Tristan is physically challenged and is wheel-chair bound. Tristan has developed a very positive spirit and he is very confident for a person who needs help to get around. Tristan is smart. He is good in mathematics. He has a great memory and thus doing homework is easy for him. Tristan found his element in acting in dramas and stage plays.
James, on the other hand, is shy. He is the exact opposite of Tristan, needing words of encouragement to get going. He is very good in football but he hates drama. James is more inward looking; shy, nervous and lacked confidence. When he gets a tiny role in the play, he feels very nervous until he forgets his line.         
The Minor Character
The mother is the minor character. She is sensitive to her sons’ needs. Although she is not a major character in the story but she is instrumental in providing relevant information so that we can understand the twins better. She is positive minded and very optimistic. She would not want Tristan to think lowly of his disability. She wants Tristan to be brave and have a positive outlook in life despite his physical shortcomings. This can be gathered from the words,” I ‘m only interested in what you can do.” She is observant and understanding. During the summer holidays, she could observe the unhappiness of both of her boys. James is normally quiet by nature but not Tristan. She feels that she is making a wrong decision by sending them to different schools.
Exposition -This is where the story begins and we are introduced to the characters.
Tristan and James are just about finishing their primary educationAlthough they are twins, they are very different in many ways. It is the last day in Peter Hill Primary for the twins. A play is always held on the last day. Both of the boys are involved in it. Tristan has the lead role while James took a small part. The play was ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’. Tristan was selected for the role of Tom. While Tristan took to the role like fish to water, James was ill at ease.  On the big night, among the parents watching, sitting in the front row was their mother. She was so happy that her two boys were acting in the play. She marvelled at how well Tristan delivered his lines. She was also pleased with James even though she senses he had stammered a little bit. For Tristan, he was definitely very delighted with the way the whole play turned out. The stage and prop were all in place. As for his acting, he felt he did a good job. James, on the other hand, felt he stumbled on his line that comprised only seven words and did notice Jessica Parker laughing at him from the audience.
Conflict-This is the part of the story that causes a tension.
It is the beginning of their summer holidays but the boys are not excited. The two boys will be going to different schools in the new school term. Tristan will be going to a special residential school for the disabled while James will be going to a normal day school. Tristan will be staying at the school hostel and return home only on weekends. James, on the other hand, will be travelling to school from home. Tristan depends on James for physical support like pushing him around in his wheelchair while James needs Tristan for moral support. In short, they cannot do without each other. Both were concerned about the other’s feelings but did not want to talk about it.

Climax- In this part of the story, the tension is at its highest.
Mum notices the boys being unusually quiet. She has a talk with Tristan about going to a Chesterlea Grange. Tristan tells his mum that he does not want to go there but later he regrets saying that to mum. James was happy to hear of Tristan’s decision though he thought that Tristan will learn to be independent if he goes to the school. He talks to Tristan and convinced him to go to Chesterlea Grange.

This part of the story presents the outcome of the attempt to clear the tension.
Tristan finally decides to go to Chesterlea Grange and it was an excellent place for him. He found it ‘flipping fantastic’. James, meanwhile goes to Highfields and he is also happy as his special friend Kiara Jones is there. Both the boys have decided that they could manage on their own, in the absence of each other.
Place : The place setting where the story revolves around is the home of Tristan and James, where James has a talk with Tristan about the school. It is a happy and pleasant place to be. The other places mentioned are Peter Hill Primary where the play was staged. This is a place of fond memories and friendship. Then comes, Chesterlea Grange. Chesterlea Grange is a fully residential school for special children. It is fully equipped with facilities for the physically challenged to acquire knowledge and survival skills. It is Tristan’s new school, an exciting and fun place. Finally, there is Highfields, James’ new school.
Time:  Present Day
Responsibility- James feels responsible for his brother, Tristan who uses the wheelchair. In one of the diary entries, James stated that he can help him with his wheelchair, he can hold back the automatic doors, he can make sure that Tristan gets to the toilet when he needs to and he also can tell the teacher what Tristan can and cannot do during Physical Education class.
Self-reliance- Tristan had been dependent on James to do things for him. When Tristan goes to Chesterlea Grange he will have to be independent. In the story the mother says, “I know you’re clever and confident, but you still rely on other people to do too much for you and it’s time you stood on your own two feet!”

Love that keeps members of a family together- The twins are very close to each other. They are closely related as they are always together. James helps to push Tristan around in his wheel chair. They provide comfort and support to each other. They feel they need each other. Due to their close relationship, they feel very sad about the fact that they’ll be separated into different school.
v We should focus on our strengths
v Positive thoughts give us confidence
v Members of a family should always support each other
v It is good to be independent
v Our talents and abilities should be nurtured

Literary Devices
The title “Flipping Fantastic”.  ’Fantastic’, means that something is extraordinary or superb. ‘Flipping’ in the context of this short story means ‘to react strongly and especially enthusiastically’. So the title, “Flipping Fantastic” implies ‘extraordinarily superb’.
Although the language is simple, the reader will need to tie up the character traits and the story as the story is built up from the diary pages of three persons.
The literary devices used in this story include mainly figurative language, imagery, irony and alliteration.
The figurative language include:
Similes- ” Like a tyre that has burst, totally deflated
Metaphors- “James is such a pest“.
Personification-”Time could have stopped still“.
As for imagery, it was used in the following manner-” We’re very much stuck together“.
An example of alliteration:-”Flipping Fantastic!”
The use of irony is exhibited in such sentence as- “…. looking as if they have won the lottery, and then lost the lottery down the drain”.

Teknik menjawab Pemahaman PMR

Jawapan Contoh:

1. Maksud rangkai kata kelainan tingkah laku ialah perbezaan sikap.


2. Berdasarkan petikan, berikan dua faktor yang boleh menyebabkan remaja terlibat

dalam gejala negatif.          


a. Jawapan kepada soalan ini terdapat dalam petikan.

b. Jawapan kepada soalan ini juga tidak bertindih dengan isi ringkasan.

Sila rujuk petikan: (Perenggan 1)

Zaman remaja merupakan perubahan masa ke alam dewasa. Kebanyakan remaja

berjaya melalui zaman peralihan itu tanpa masalah. Namun begitu, ada juga remaja yang

kurang bernasib baik dan terjebak dalam gejala yang kurang sihat. Keadaan ini diburukkan

lagi lantaran  sikap sesetengah ibu bapa yang terlalu mengutamakan kerjaya dan  kurang

menumpukan perhatian terhadap anak-anak.


(i) sikap sesetengah ibu bapa yang terlalu mengutamakan kerjaya

(ii) kurang menumpukan perhatian terhadap anak-anak

Jawapan Contoh:

Faktor yang boleh menyebabkan remaja terlibat dalam gejala negatif ialah sikap

sesetengah ibu bapa yang terlalu mengutamakan kerjaya.  Selain itu, ibu bapa kurang

menumpukan perhatian terhadap anak-anak

[4 markah]


Ringkasan/Pemahaman 6


3. Pada pendapat anda, apakah aktiviti-aktiviti berfaedah yang dapat dilakukan oleh

remaja untuk mengisi masa lapang mereka?

     [4 markah]


Beriadah - 2 markah

Membaca - 2 markah

Bermain permainan video - 0 markah

(Terima juga mana-mana aktiviti yang berfaedah)

Jawapan Contoh:

Pada pendapat saya, antara aktiviti berfaedah yang dapat dilakukan oleh remaja

untuk mengisi masa lapang remaja ialah beriadah bersama keluarga.  Selain itu, remaja

juga boleh mengisi masa lapang dengan membaca.

Tekink Menjawab RINGKASAN Bahasa Melayu PMR


1. Mengenal pasti tugasan soalan

Dalam soalan ringkasan, tugasan soalan ialah selepas perkataan tentang sehingga ayat itu

berakhir. Lihat soalan contoh di bawah:

Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti. Berdasarkan petikan tersebut, tulis sebuah ringkasan

tentang cara-cara menangani masalah remaja. Panjang ringkasan anda hendaklah tidak

melebihi 80 patah perkataan.

2. Patuhi had perkataan

Calon jangan sekali-kali melebihi had tersebut kerana perkataan yang melebihi had

perkataan TIDAK dinilai oleh pemeriksa.

Soalan PMR 2011:

Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti. Berdasarkan petikan tersebut, tulis sebuah ringkasan

tentang cara-cara menangani masalah remaja. Panjang ringkasan anda hendaklah tidak

melebihi 80 patah perkataan.

Zaman remaja merupakan perubahan masa ke alam dewasa. Kebanyakan remaja

berjaya melalui zaman peralihan itu tanpa masalah. Namun begitu, ada juga remaja yang

kurang bernasib baik dan terjebak dalam gejala yang kurang sihat. Keadaan ini diburukkan

lagi lantaran sikap sesetengah ibu bapa yang terlalu mengutamakan kerjaya dan kurang

menumpukan perhatian terhadap anak-anak.


Ringkasan/Pemahaman 1

Remaja yang bermasalah dapat dikesan dengan mengenal pasti kelainan tingkah

laku yang ditunjukkan oleh mereka seperti perubahan emosi daripada periang kepada

pendiam atau cepat marah. Ibu bapa perlu mendekati anak-anak remaja mereka untuk

memahami masalah yang dihadapi. Dengan ini, anak-anak mempunyai ruang untuk

bercerita tentang masalah mereka. Selain itu, ibu bapa tidak sepatutnya terlalu

mengongkong kebebasan anak-anak mereka. Jika tindakan ini dilakukan, anak-anak

remaja akan berasa diri mereka tidak dihargai. Remaja yang mula menunjukkan tandatanda perubahan seperti tidak dapat tidur, kurang selera makan, tidak bertenaga, kurang

fokus dan suka menyendiri merupakan remaja yang bermasalah. Untuk mengatasi konflik

ini, anak remaja hendaklah ditunjukkan kaedah mengawal emosi yang betul oleh ibu bapa


Di sekolah pula, remaja yang bermasalah wajar diberi bimbingan yang sepatutnya

oleh guru. Hal ini sekurang-kurangnya dapat meredakan tekanan yang dihadapi mereka.

Pada masa yang sama, rakan sebaya boleh membawa pengaruh kurang baik seperti

merokok dan melepak. Oleh itu, remaja perlu memilih rakan sebaya yang sesuai. Hal ini

demikian kerana rakan sebaya mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat dan mereka seharusnya

boleh membantu rakan mereka yang bermasalah. Di samping itu, di hospital kerajaan atau

swasta terdapat banyak pakar psikiatri yang mampu membantu remaja untuk mengatasi

masalah mereka. Oleh itu, ahli keluarga boleh membawa remaja yang bermasalah

berjumpa dengan pakar psikiatri.

Remaja sendiri juga seharusnya bijak dalam menangani masalah mereka. Mereka

perlulah berusaha mengawal tekanan untuk mengelakkan emosi negatif melalui pelbagai

teknik. Contoh teknik yang boleh digunakan ialah teknik relaksasi dan teknik pernafasan.

Dalam pada itu, masyarakat berperanan dalam memastikan remaja menjadi insan yang

berguna dengan membantu pihak berkuasa menguatkuasakan undang-undang yang

membawa kebaikan kepada remaja. Remaja seharusnya menjadi modal insan yang

cemerlang dengan memanfaatkan usia remaja sebaik mungkin demi masa depan yang

lebih bermakna.


1. Ibu bapa perlu mendekati anak-anak remaja mereka untuk memahami masalah

yang dihadapi

2. Ibu bapa tidak sepatutnya terlalu mengongkong kebebasan anak-anak mereka

3. Anak remaja hendaklah ditunjukkan kaedah mengawal emosi yang betul oleh ibu

bapa mereka

4. Remaja yang bermasalah wajar diberi bimbingan yang sepatutnya oleh guru


Ringkasan/Pemahaman 2

5. Remaja perlu memilih rakan sebaya yang sesuai

6. Ahli keluarga boleh membawa remaja yang bermasalah berjumpa dengan pakar


7. Remaja sendiri juga seharusnya bijak dalam menangani masalah mereka. ATAU

Remaja perlulah berusaha mengawal tekanan untuk mengelakkan emosi negatif

melalui pelbagai teknik

8. Masyarakat berperanan membantu pihak berkuasa menguatkuasakan undangundang yang membawa kebaikan kepada remaja.



1. Penanda wacana yang mesti digunakan.

Selain itu, Di samping itu, Seterusnya, Lagipun, Tambahan pula, Akhir sekali.

2. Prosedur jawapan:

i. Ayat 1 : Tugasan soalan + Isi Pertama


Cara-cara menangani masalah remaja ialah ibu bapa perlu

mendekati anak-anak remaja mereka untuk memahami masalah yang


ii. Ayat 2 : Penanda Wacana + Isi 2


Selain itu, ibu bapa tidak sepatutnya terlalu mengongkong kebebasan anakanak mereka.

iii. Ayat 3 : Penanda Wacana + Isi 3


Di samping itu, anak remaja hendaklah ditunjukkan kaedah mengawal emosi

yang betul oleh ibu bapa mereka.


Ringkasan/Pemahaman 3

iv. Ayat 4 : Penanda Wacana + Isi 4


Seterusnya, remaja yang bermasalah wajar diberi bimbingan yang

sepatutnya oleh guru.

v. Ayat 5 : Penanda Wacana + Isi 5


Tambahan pula, remaja perlu memilih rakan sebaya yang sesuai.

Bilang jumlah perkataan. Jika masih di bawah 70 patah perkataan, bina ayat

yang ke-6.


Ayat 1 : 17

Ayat 2 : 10

Ayat 3 : 14

Ayat 4 : 11

Ayat 5 : 9

Jumlah : 61

Masih ada 19 patah perkataan lagi

(Teruskan dengan membina ayat ke-6)

vii. Ayat 6 : Penanda Wacana + Isi 6


Akhir sekali, masyarakat berperanan membantu pihak berkuasa menguatkuasakan

undang-undang yang membawa kebaikan kepada remaja.

61 + (Ayat 6 – 14 patah perkataan) = 75 patah perkataan.


Ringkasan/Pemahaman 4

Teknik menjawab soalan PMR English Novel

Teknik menjawab soalan PMR English Novel

UPSR English 2 ( C )

UPSR English 2

page 17
A couple of days ago, Anne went shopping with her mother. The shopping complex was crowded. Out of the blue, she saw a young girl crying at the top of her voice. She had lost her mother.
Anne and her mother took the young girl to the information counter. They asked the staff on duty to make an announcement. The kind staff immediately made the announcement over the microphone.
A few minutes later, a young mother rushed up to the information counter to get the girl. She felt relieved because the girl was safe and sound. The young mother thanked Anne and her mother. She gave Anne a reward as a token of appreciation.

page 23
A couple of days ago, Janice and Janet went to a book fair. They were many types of books and magazines on display. Janice was happy to see many interesting books. People from all walks of life came to buy the books.
Janet wanted to buy a storybook. She checked her purse to see if she had brought enough money or not. She was disappointed to find that she had forgotten to bring extra money.
Janice offered to lend her some money. 
Janet was grateful and promised to return Janice the money the next time they meet. Both of them were on top of the world as they had bought many books that they love to read.

page 29
A couple of weeks ago, SJKC When Hua organized a cleanliness contest. The cleanest and best decorated class would be given a trophy and a cash prize of RM200.
All the pupils were extremely excited. They worked together to wipe the windows and sweep the floor. Some classes even put up new curtains in their classrooms. Everyone cooperated and put in their best efforts.
The headmaster was glad to see all the classooms in a spick and span order. Finally, he announced Year 6 Ungu as the winner of the contest. The pupils were in cloud nine. The monitor represented the class to receive the trophy










番薯看来 很简单 其实前后工作清理却花时间哦!

烟雾 仍然没有改善,


儿子和我一起 削,切




番薯看来 很简单

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

UPSR English 2

UPSR English 2
page 17
A couple of days ago, Anne went shopping with her mother. The shopping complex was crowded. Out of the blue, she saw a young girl crying at the top of her voice. She had lost her mother.
Anne and her mother took the young girl to the information counter. They asked the staff on duty to make an announcement . The kind staff immediately made the announcement over the microphone.
A few minutes later, a young mother rushed up to the information counter to get the girl. She felt relieved because the girl was safe and sound. The young mother thanked Anne and her mother. She gave Anne a reward as a token of appreciation.

page 23
A couple of days ago, Janice and Janet went to a book fair. They were many types of books and magazines on display. Janice was happy to see many interesting books. People from all walks of life came to buy the books.
Janet wanted to buy a storybook. She checked her purse to see if she had brought enough money or not. She was disappointed to find that she had forgotten to bring extra money.
Janice offered to lend her some money. Janet was grateful and promised to return Janice the money the next time they meet. Both of them were on top of the world as they had bought many books that they love to read.

page 29
A couple of weeks ago, SJKC When Hua organized a cleanliness contest. The cleanest and best decorated class would be given a trophy and a cash prize of RM200.
All the pupils were extremely excited. They worked together to wipe the windows and sweep the floor. Some classes even put up new curtains in their classrooms. Everyone cooperated and put in their best efforts.
The headmaster was glad to see all the classooms in a spick and span order. Finally, he announced Year 6 Ungu as the winner of the contest. The pupils were in cloud nine. The monitor represented the class to receive the trophy.

f you notice, i recycle the phrases very often. this is one way to drill them so that they will remember, all thru years 4 - 6 i do that, add the same phrases


  1. i pre teach the vocabulary. Drill or make them memorise as spelling, one phrase per week .. i know this is traditional talk and chalk but this works for me. Then when i teach them this text, i tell them we are going to improve on the text by adding phrases that we have learnt. for Year 3 pupils , you have to show them how you add the phrases and where you can substitute them. i do that together with them with the help of my powerpoint slides. this is for those who are new in writing. as they progress , ie when they are in the level 2, then you can ask them to write on the board. weaker pupils go first, then ask others to help, so second round, pupils come out to add phrases. third round, pupils come out to help correct grammar, depends on what you want. this needs patience, it doesn't take one week to achieve but years of training and continuous drilling. by the time they are in year 6 they are well prepared

Tip for PMR ( Year 2006 PMR candidate )


Novel-you have to master the 3 novels you had studied from form 1 til form 3..
This is very important…novel is the bonus mark…
Normally in exam they come out latar,nilai…
So my only tip for novel this..
Nilai = bekerjasama -> contoh
Pengajaran = Kita mestilah bekerjasama ‘add some stuff’ dalam masyarakat..or
komuniti -> contoh
Latar masyarakat = masyarakat yang bekerjasama -> contoh..

Don’t you think they are the same??
Try memorise those nilai that you can twist around into other part of the novel…
Like latar or pengajaran..
Perwatakan oso can..
Watak you just describe he is who’s husband…live old…those stuff..

2.Epifora…at the back1
3.Responsi…middle 1
4.Repitasi…repeatition..(Saya suka kamu kerana kamu suka saya)
Saya and Kamu repeat..
5.Unsur Bunyi..Aliterasi and Asonansi
7.Bentuk ->terikat or bebas..for pantun and syair terikat..
8.Diksi..bahasa klasik,istana…arab..

Like that lor..

->you really have to buy lots of exercise books to do..then if you have any qualms,do not hesitate to consult your teachers about it..
I’m sure they will correct them for u and tell you the rules..
eg.berbincang tentang/membincangkan..
Kata transitif../kata tak transitif..aktif and pasif..
Abu sangat cintakan wanita itu..wrong
Abu sangant cinta akan wanita itu..correct
see wat i mean??

You have to buy good karangan books such as Xpress Sasbadi..
remember the Pendahuluan and it’s crucial to give the examiners good impression on your essays..

Exp..Masalah Pencemaran..

Masalah pencemeran bukanlah isu yang baharu diperkatakan,malahan perkara ini sudah berlanjutan sejak Malaysia memasuki era perindustrian..Masalah ini kian merimaskan pelbagai pihak../Masalah ini bertambah kronik setiap hari..

1)Mengapakah fenomena ini berlaku?Bagaimanakah kita hendak menanganimasalah ini?
2)Persoalannya,bagaimanakah kita hendak membendung perkara ini daripada menular??

1.Try to use kempen..(cintailah alam sekitar)then…masyarakat haruslah menyahut seruan kempen tersebut..
2.Peranan Media massa sama ada media bercetak atau media elektronik..Memaparkan implikasi masalah pencemaran terhadap kehidupan seharian kita..
3.try use peribahasa..melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya..-generasi muda haruslah diberi pendedahan tentang kesan masalah pencemaran…guru di sekolah haruslah menekankan bahawa semua individu mempunyai peranan masing-masing dalam manangani isu ini…bak kata pepatah ‘melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya’

Then kesimpulannya/Tuntasnya/konklusinya/sebagai intiha..Harapan/cadangan…sikap proaktif semua pihak amat diperlukan…bagi mengatasi masalah ini..bak kata pepatah”Sediakan payung sebelum hujan” memang mempunyai kebenarannya..

Understand??If i have any mistakes..correct for me..Cos i m not a teacher..haha
Just a student sharing my information..I guess wat i just said very helpful to u all..Any1 who read this must be very lucky…Haha..Keep IT to Yourself!! haha…dont steal my intellectual property..lolNolar…”jangan kedekut ilmu” thats wat i m doing..

OK..RUmusan..You have to identify the points..wat the petikan wants..try twist..and..change the mengatasi @@@i give u guys all the tips i know..


1)rangkai really have to have kosa kata yang tinggi..i can’t help much wif this
2)salin from the petikan
3)read from karangan books..normally they are the same..kempen,sikap proaktif masyarakat../individu yang seimbang dari segi rohani,jasmani,emosi dan intelek..or masyarakat/keluarga/kerajaan mempunyai peranan..alat=wadah..walaupun=waima..a lot more that lor..

then i lazy talk bout B.M d..
Lets talk about English..

You have to read newspaper a lot..try read news a lot..
use those words they use..try apply it on your essays..
Reading Essay books is also an effective measure you can take in order to improve your vocab and grammar..that’s all i can say about English..
IF you master well..they come out any question also you can answer..i mean the objective part..

memorise only..
try take a blank book..write all the places you know and their fungsi..everyday read through and u will be very good in geography..know their factor…fungsi of this and that…

Kemahiran Hidup..
Read the textbook only..they wont come out out from the syllabus..Reference book dont help much..try focus on form 1 and 2…do past year question books..or latih tubi..normally kemahiran hidup questions are almost alike..That’s why they dont let u take the question back after u answered them in PMR exam..

Listen to wat teacher taught u..Easy only..
Science..Read the SUCCESS pelangi book..try understand every part..very useful…Go buy lots of exercise books..Do the objective..Subjective i not enof time to do..So i copy answers into the blank lines..At the same time i also remember…good way also..

I cant say much..You have TO MEmorise..Form2 focus on perjanjian..form3 focus on the Haji limbong terengganu..tok janggut kelantan..those lar..Do peta minda…and say their peranan..form 1 focus on bab9 i guess..forgotten d..


Monday, June 24, 2013

亲爱的。。。 我一天值多少?



,我第一次见 Shirley Wan 时,我觉得她很乐观,我告诉孩子,这个姐姐很有人眼,很多人很喜欢她。



烟雾 Haze 这段期间,最忙的也许是妈妈吧,您说 是吗?

烟雾 Haze 这段期间,最忙的也许是妈妈吧,您说 是吗?


9.00am 今天是地球最接近月亮的一天? 我只知道今天的烟雾比昨天严重很多

9.00am 今天是地球最接近月亮的一天?


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"三年级而已,她怎样用以上的用具才能够自己走出森林,我是大人也未必走出 来!




*这是KSSR老师 post 出来的问题,您也可以解答吗?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

妈妈。。。。 算命佬 可以不要那么 准吗?

妈妈很喜欢帮我们 "算命"


你天生是 劳碌命

主要忙碌 孩子的事

那时的儿子还是 一岁左右








算命佬 可以不要那么 准吗?

小女儿只有7岁就能够做这些,对我来说,这才是 真正的靠自己


回 家公 家前,我吩咐小女儿:

回到 家公家,与小女儿同年的表妹兴奋的告诉小女儿,她拿多少个 100%,拿下第一名。




"那个表妹的姐姐讲,她靠自己的,她妈妈没有理她的,她自己考到 第一名的嘞!"

这次,我不再静静了,因为我再静静的话,我就不是 小女儿 妈妈 了


"妹妹不会 字的时候,她怎样?"








我再问:"妹妹 不是靠自己努力 独立学习获得 第一名吗?"

我走进房间,看着小女儿自己在房间里 烫校服,我心里觉得很愧疚,因为今天表妹拿到第一名,获得别人赞赏,身为妈妈的我,只有静静的,没有出声。


原本静静烫校服的小女儿却展开了 她美丽的笑容。



从此以后,很多事情,我都放心让她自己去做,even 自己煮饭,煮面。



Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Carrot 水是真的

为什么和你们10多年去的不一样的? 是不是我们没有到 Pulau Pangkor 的岛呢?

想找我们 (你,你哥哥,鸿仔,杰仔,二姐)去 Pulau Pangkor 的旧照片,结果旧照片没有找到,却找到我这张 比较 瘦 的照片,让我提起了自己




By the way , 我前几天去 Pulau Pangkor , 为什么和你们10多年去的不一样的?
是不是我们没有到 Pulau Pangkor 的岛呢?



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

交换者赠送的 MP3

物物交换 的另一个惊喜

交换者赠送的 MP3

这位交换者她知道我需要一个 MP3


起初她需要交换的物品 over 了我的 budget






谢谢您的 MP3


Monday, June 10, 2013





Sunday, June 9, 2013

我与交换者的 "情意" ,这些是 无价 的


"有什么贵重的东西要放 保险箱吗?"

我拿了这个 小收音机 (与她人交换的物品) 放进 保险箱,



"情意" ,这些是 无价 的