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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reviewing the short Story ‘Flipping Fantastic”

Reviewing the short Story ‘Flipping Fantastic”
Flipping Fantastic is a story presented in the form of diary or journal entries. It conveys the thoughts of twin brothers, Tristan and James and their mother. The twin boys have always been together and for the first time they have to go to two different schools. Tristan who is a disabled, wheel-chair bound boy will be going to Chesterlea Grange, a residential school for special children. His brother James will be going to Highfields, a normal secondary school. Since James and Tristan have always been together, both James and their mother are worried about Tristan’s well being in the new school. Tristan on the other hand was experiencing mixed feelings about leaving the familiar Peter Hill Primary and starting at Chesterlea Grange. In the end, both Tristan and James decide that they would make it on their own if they set their mind to it.
Sample Essay type Question:
Tristan and James are as different as day and night although they are twins. Describe the differences in their characters as depicted in the story Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford

Sample Answer:
Tristan has a positive disposition with high self-esteem. He has high linguistic skills. He is also very friendly and makes friends easily. He has shown that he is mature by agreeing that Chelsea Grange is the right school for him. James on the other hand has low self esteem, timid and lacks confidence. He wants Tristan to reconsider his decision about going to Chelsea Grange.

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