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Friday, March 30, 2018

#婚姻 是 人生最难考的试卷 #博士学位 未必 过关的 试卷

#婚姻 是 人生最难考的试卷
#博士学位 未必 过关的 试卷

Group assignment 课题:
Gate towards a blessing home
婚姻需要 时间经营的
我还需要很大的空间 进步
我需要很多时间和知识 继续 经营我的婚姻。


Chris Chang, 41

I was married when I was 22 years old
and became a mother while I was 23 .

I had read some books and attended some
seminars,as a wife and mother of 3 children.

I learnt that many of the sources of knowledge available today do not provide very sufficient references or positive examples of healthy marriages.
Most couples obtained their knowledge about marriage based on personal experience, learn from time to time.

I strongly support this proposal , because I agreed that majority divorce cases happened due to limited or lack of knowledge about marriage life .
Married is a long term " examination" in our life , we need to update and enhanced our knowledge every time .

With this proposal , it provided a right start in marriage and give a HOPE of Marriage for the next generation and building a healthy family .



我大女儿教我 :

“ 我的优点是 没有 缺点,我的缺点就是我太多优点。”


#Member group WhatsApp
Chris, 我要把你的background加在我的presentation里面。。不用太长,年龄,讲你的一些背景,你的优点,你的长处,你对婚姻的看法

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