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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Today is 09.04.2020 (Thursday)... 23nd day of MCO

I will NEVER EVER forget this Movement Control Order (MCO) period starting 18.03.2020 - 14.04.2020 (at moment or untill further notice) 

Today is 09.04.2020 (Thursday)... 23nd day of MCO

1) Petrol price is down to RM1.30 per liter. 
2) Our offices throughout Malaysia will remain closed throughout the Movement Control Order period and will continue to operate fully on a work-from-home. 
3) All schools abruptly moved online.
4) Self-distancing measures on the rise.
5) Tape on the floors at stores to help distance customers (1 metre) from each other.
6) Restaurants closed, take away only.
7) Limited number of people inside stores.
😎 Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
9) Entire sports seasons cancelled.
10) Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events - cancelled.
11) Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings - cancelled
12) No masses, mosque, churches are closed.
13) No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or less. 
14) Children's outdoor play parks are closed.
15) Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
16) Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
17) Panic buying sets in no disinfecting supplies, no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
18) Shelves are bare. 
19) Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
20) Government has check points in every province and is closed to all non-essential travel.
21) Airline tickets are cheap but we can't travel.
22) Press conferences daily from Ministry of Health.
23) Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths. 
24) Barely anyone on the roads.
25) People wearing masks and gloves outside.
26) Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
27) Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
28) "Flatten the curve" is a daily saying, along with "We are in this together," and "We heal as one".

29) This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, declared on March 18, 2020

Why I copied this status?

One day, it will show up in my FB memory feed, and it will be a yearly reminder that LIFE & FREEDOM are precious and not to take the things we dearly love for granted. 

We have so much!

Be thankful. Be grateful. Be HELPFUL 🤝
Be kind to each other - love one another - support everyone.

30) After all, we are all one! Malaysian. ❤️


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