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Friday, March 4, 2011

童年 【Childhood years】

池塘邊的榕樹上 知了在聲聲叫著夏天

操場邊的鞦韆上 只有蝴蝶停在上面

黑板上老師的粉筆 還在拼命嘰嘰喳喳寫個不停

等待著下課 等待著放學 等待遊戲的童年

福利社裏面什麼都有 就是口袋裏沒有半毛錢

諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨 到底誰搶到那支寶劍

隔壁班的那個女孩 怎麼還沒經過我的窗前

嘴裏的零食 手裏的漫畫 心裏初戀的童年

沒有人知道為什麼 太陽總下到山的那一邊

沒有人能夠告訴我 山裏面有沒有住著神仙

多少的日子裏 總是一個人面對著天空發呆

就這麼好奇 就這麼幻想 這麼孤單的童年

總是要等到睡覺前 才知道功課只作了一點點

總是要等到考試以後 才知道該唸的書都沒有唸

一寸光陰一寸金 老師說過寸金難買寸光陰

一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年

一天又一天 一年又一年 盼望長大的童年

A Banyan tree near the pond, a cicada is calling the rhythm of summer

A swing near the playground, only a butterfly is stopping by

On the blackboard, the teacher's chalk is still writing non-stop

Waiting for recess, waiting for the end of school day, waiting to play in my childhood years

Canteen has everything but I do not have money in my pocket

Zhu Gesilang (comic character) and the devil - who finally captured the sword?

Why the girl in next class has not passed through my window?

With mouth full of candy, hands with comic books, starting to have my first love in childhood years

No one knows why the sun always sets down on that side of the mountain

No one can tell me if there is a god inside the forest

How many days I watched the sky alone by myself

So much curiosity, so much fantasy, and a lonely childhood years

Always have to wait until bedtime to know only a little bit of homework was done

Always have to wait until the end of a test to find out the book reading was not completed

An inch of time and an inch of gold

The teacher said an inch of gold couldn't buy an inch of time

Day after day, year after year, a blurry childhood years

Day after day, year after year, looking forward to become a grown up childhood years

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