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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Must Haves For The Perfect Winter Travelling

  1. Jacket
    Keeping warmth is first priority for winter travelling. Therefore, it is important to choose a good down jacket. A superior down jacket is typically thin and lightweight and thus you do not have to carry extra weight. Besides having the down jacket, a windproof vest/down vest may help to stay warmer.  
  2. Long John
    Prior wearing any wind-breaker, jacket or coat, it is better to add-on long johns. Long johns are essential for fighting cold. It offers an advantage that you can choose to wear the top, bottom, or both parts depending on the weather. By having the long johns, you will eliminate extra layer on your body.  
  3. Turtleneck Sweater
    In between the long johns and jacket, it is advisable to wear a turtleneck shirt in order to protect your neck and fight the cold. If wearing a round neck shirt, a scarf is advisable to keep warm and is easy to pull-off when feeling warm.  
  4. Pants
    For trousers, it is advisable to have soft materials such as cashmere or waterproofing cotton-wadded. Jeans is not advisable because it can become extremely hard in snowy area. 
  5. Beanie Hat, Scarf, Earmuffs
    More than half of the body heat is disappearing through the head and neck; therefore, do remember to prepare snow cap, scarf as well as earmuffs.  
  6. Hand Gloves
    Gloves can help keeping warm and protect against the wind, do consider waterproofing and wear-resisting gloves.  
  7. Footwear
    The right footwear is important for winter travelling. Hiking boots is advisable, especially tall boots in order to keep the snow out. A pair of good boot will give you the support you need, preventing injury and should feel comfortable, it will help to keep your feet dry and warm while protecting you from slips and falls caused by slippery pavement and black ice. Waterproof and anti-skid are more appropriate. Insoles for shoes or shoes with fur are advisable too.  
  8. Wool Socks
    Wool socks are one of the best options for your feet. It is very breathable material that will keep in warmth when it’s cold. You don’t need a thick pair of it, but the length of the socks should exceed the shoe height so that you won’t hurt your leg.  
  9. Sunglasses, Goggles and Masks
    Snow reflection may hurt the eyes, sunglasses should be prepared; Goggles and masks will also help when snowing and windy.  
  10. Warmer Pad
    Do consider warmer pad because it helps in human microcirculation, hence to keep your body temperature. It can also replace the thick and heavy coat.

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