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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tip for PMR ( Year 2006 PMR candidate )


Novel-you have to master the 3 novels you had studied from form 1 til form 3..
This is very important…novel is the bonus mark…
Normally in exam they come out latar,nilai…
So my only tip for novel this..
Nilai = bekerjasama -> contoh
Pengajaran = Kita mestilah bekerjasama ‘add some stuff’ dalam masyarakat..or
komuniti -> contoh
Latar masyarakat = masyarakat yang bekerjasama -> contoh..

Don’t you think they are the same??
Try memorise those nilai that you can twist around into other part of the novel…
Like latar or pengajaran..
Perwatakan oso can..
Watak you just describe he is who’s husband…live old…those stuff..

2.Epifora…at the back1
3.Responsi…middle 1
4.Repitasi…repeatition..(Saya suka kamu kerana kamu suka saya)
Saya and Kamu repeat..
5.Unsur Bunyi..Aliterasi and Asonansi
7.Bentuk ->terikat or bebas..for pantun and syair terikat..
8.Diksi..bahasa klasik,istana…arab..

Like that lor..

->you really have to buy lots of exercise books to do..then if you have any qualms,do not hesitate to consult your teachers about it..
I’m sure they will correct them for u and tell you the rules..
eg.berbincang tentang/membincangkan..
Kata transitif../kata tak transitif..aktif and pasif..
Abu sangat cintakan wanita itu..wrong
Abu sangant cinta akan wanita itu..correct
see wat i mean??

You have to buy good karangan books such as Xpress Sasbadi..
remember the Pendahuluan and it’s crucial to give the examiners good impression on your essays..

Exp..Masalah Pencemaran..

Masalah pencemeran bukanlah isu yang baharu diperkatakan,malahan perkara ini sudah berlanjutan sejak Malaysia memasuki era perindustrian..Masalah ini kian merimaskan pelbagai pihak../Masalah ini bertambah kronik setiap hari..

1)Mengapakah fenomena ini berlaku?Bagaimanakah kita hendak menanganimasalah ini?
2)Persoalannya,bagaimanakah kita hendak membendung perkara ini daripada menular??

1.Try to use kempen..(cintailah alam sekitar)then…masyarakat haruslah menyahut seruan kempen tersebut..
2.Peranan Media massa sama ada media bercetak atau media elektronik..Memaparkan implikasi masalah pencemaran terhadap kehidupan seharian kita..
3.try use peribahasa..melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya..-generasi muda haruslah diberi pendedahan tentang kesan masalah pencemaran…guru di sekolah haruslah menekankan bahawa semua individu mempunyai peranan masing-masing dalam manangani isu ini…bak kata pepatah ‘melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya’

Then kesimpulannya/Tuntasnya/konklusinya/sebagai intiha..Harapan/cadangan…sikap proaktif semua pihak amat diperlukan…bagi mengatasi masalah ini..bak kata pepatah”Sediakan payung sebelum hujan” memang mempunyai kebenarannya..

Understand??If i have any mistakes..correct for me..Cos i m not a teacher..haha
Just a student sharing my information..I guess wat i just said very helpful to u all..Any1 who read this must be very lucky…Haha..Keep IT to Yourself!! haha…dont steal my intellectual property..lolNolar…”jangan kedekut ilmu” thats wat i m doing..

OK..RUmusan..You have to identify the points..wat the petikan wants..try twist..and..change the mengatasi @@@i give u guys all the tips i know..


1)rangkai really have to have kosa kata yang tinggi..i can’t help much wif this
2)salin from the petikan
3)read from karangan books..normally they are the same..kempen,sikap proaktif masyarakat../individu yang seimbang dari segi rohani,jasmani,emosi dan intelek..or masyarakat/keluarga/kerajaan mempunyai peranan..alat=wadah..walaupun=waima..a lot more that lor..

then i lazy talk bout B.M d..
Lets talk about English..

You have to read newspaper a lot..try read news a lot..
use those words they use..try apply it on your essays..
Reading Essay books is also an effective measure you can take in order to improve your vocab and grammar..that’s all i can say about English..
IF you master well..they come out any question also you can answer..i mean the objective part..

memorise only..
try take a blank book..write all the places you know and their fungsi..everyday read through and u will be very good in geography..know their factor…fungsi of this and that…

Kemahiran Hidup..
Read the textbook only..they wont come out out from the syllabus..Reference book dont help much..try focus on form 1 and 2…do past year question books..or latih tubi..normally kemahiran hidup questions are almost alike..That’s why they dont let u take the question back after u answered them in PMR exam..

Listen to wat teacher taught u..Easy only..
Science..Read the SUCCESS pelangi book..try understand every part..very useful…Go buy lots of exercise books..Do the objective..Subjective i not enof time to do..So i copy answers into the blank lines..At the same time i also remember…good way also..

I cant say much..You have TO MEmorise..Form2 focus on perjanjian..form3 focus on the Haji limbong terengganu..tok janggut kelantan..those lar..Do peta minda…and say their peranan..form 1 focus on bab9 i guess..forgotten d..


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