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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

蜜汁烤鸡翅膀 Baked Honey Chicken Wings

Baked Honey Chicken Wings

10只鸡翅膀, 10 Chicken wings
4大匙蜂蜜, 4tbsp Honey

腌料 Marinate:
3大匙酱油, 3tbsp Soy sauce
半茶匙盐,1/2 tsp salt
1 湯匙糖, 1 tbsp sugar
2大匙绍兴酒或米酒, 2tbsp shao xing jiu or Rice wine
3片蒜末, 3 piece of garlic (chopped)
1 湯匙姜末, 1 tb
sp Ginger (chopped)
1粒葱末, 1 Onion (chopped)
五香粉少许, A dash of five spice powder
白胡椒粉少许, A dash of white pepper
黑胡椒粒少許, A dash of black pepper

做法 Method:
Poke a few holes on chicken wings and marinate the chicken wings for at least 2 hour in fridge or overnight.

Put the chicken wings on baking tray and brush with the honey.

3.预热180度的烤箱, 烤30分钟。翻面時,再重複搽上蜂蜜,继续烘烤12分钟即可。
Pre-heated oven at 180°C , put the tray into oven for 30 minutes. Turn over the chicken
wings and brush with the honey again. Continue bake for another 12 minutes, ready
to be served.


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