Pages 3

Monday, June 22, 2015

Log in Facebook not belong to you Not privacy = No respect

Log in Facebook not belong to you

Not privacy = No respect

Congratulations to you when I add you as a friends in my Facebook !

I seldom accept people as a friends ,

Mostly seldom add a people as a friends .

If you are my friends in my Facebook ,

You can found that MY HUSBAND not in my Facebook friends listing ,

Why ?

Because after discussion , both of us need some privacy even both of us are care about ourselves.

We can sharing what we wish to share

We can write what we like to write .

I sign up on behalf of my son Facebook since my son 12 years old , I know his Facebook password ,

sometimes , he asked me to log in on behalf of him.

Since my son 13 years old , my son told me :

“ Mummy , I want change the Facebook password,
i want log in Facebook myself.”

I accept it , because my son  entitled have his privacy,

he need privacy , so, i respect my son .

Respect is not a simple WORD ,

It is meaningful ,

Respect = Privacy + Confidence

If LOSS “ RESPECT ” mean you  suspect someone ,

You suspect their abilities, qualities, even their achievements.

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