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Friday, September 20, 2019

refund air ticket 程序 (如果医生证明退票人怀孕或者其他的问题)

refund air ticket 程序 (如果医生证明退票人怀孕或者其他的问题)

1)首先 需要开 Big Member account

2) 需要医生的证明和 MC 纸

 退机票人的 *名字*
信要 *说明,退机票人 不适合坐飞机,写上上飞机日期和回国日期*

*医生的MC 纸*


guest must submit with a

a) valid doctor letter stating the guest name

 b) stating guest are unable to travel on the traveling date 

C) and medical certificate.


*退机票人名字 XXX*

Booking number : *XXX*

 Flight 1: Kuala Lumpur--  Hanoi
AK 516   
Kuala Lumpur (KUL) XXX
Tue XX DEC2019

Flight 2: Hanoi--  Kuala Lumpur
AK 513
Hanoi (HAN)


3)Guest must divide the booking first 

How do I divide a group booking?
   1.Go to Manage My Booking and click on ‘Modify’ for the particular booking you want to add an infant 
   2.In the Edit Itinerary column there will be an icon for ‘Split Booking’ – click on that
   3.Select specific guest to divide into new booking (you can only create one new booking at a time)
   4.Agree to the Terms & Conditions and click on ‘Continue’
   5.Review list of ‘Selected Guests to Divide’ and click on ‘Confirm’
   6.Upon successful division, a new booking with a new reference number will be created 


Mon XX Dec 2019

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